Mohamad El Sammak

Dr. Mohammad El Sammak is a Member of the Board of King Abdullah Ben Abdel Aziz Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue- Vienna-Austria and the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought (Jordan – Amman) and the Muslim World League (Mecca), in addition to the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Communities (Abu Dhabi).

Dr. El Sammak is the author of 27 books about inter-religious Islamic-Christian dialogue and Middle East Affairs, Participated and lectured- at both the Synod about Lebanon- Vatican (1995), and the Synod about the Middle East –Vatican (2010).

He was awarded medals by Pope John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis.

Dr. El Sammak took part and lectured at the General Assembly of the First Church of Jesus Christ- Tempa USA and took part Participated in interreligious Conferences prepared by the World Council of Churches, and the Middle East Council of Churches.

He received many awards from international and Arabic organizations and institutions.

Born in Beirut t in 1936, he holds a degree in Political Sciences, Islamic Thought, and Ph.D. from the American – Lebanese University. He held the position of the Counselor to ex-Prime Minister Saad Hariri the Counselor to the Mufti of the Lebanese Republic.

He was also the Sec. Gen. of the National Committee for Christian-Muslim Dialogue. Beirut-Lebanon, the Sec. Gen. of the Islamic Spiritual Summit (Summit-Shiit-Druze) in Lebanon, and the Sec. Gen. of the Executive Committee of the Christian-Muslim Arab Group.